
  • PayPal: Who has overtaken the payment service?

    PayPal: Who has overtaken the payment service?

    PayPal has taught many companies to fear this. In the infographics “Who was a victim of PayPal“we have summarized the companies that had to make way for the payment service in Germany or that were just stumbling through the company. However, there are always two sides of the same coin and that you cannot be…

  • Info graphic: Who fell victim to PayPal?

    Info graphic: Who fell victim to PayPal?

    Als PayPal im Frühjahr 2004 in Deutschland an den Start ging hatte die deutsche Kreditwirtschaft noch keine Ahnung davon wie groß und mächtig der Bezahlfreund PayPal mal werden würde. Und wie viele es nicht geschafft haben, es PayPal gleich zu tun.

  • Digital Identity Overview Germany

    Digital Identity Overview Germany

    Digital Identity in Germany is a very ambivalent topic. On the one hand, the Corona crisis shows how helpful a uniform, mass available digital identity would be, but on the other hand, the topic is developing in the same way as the developments in mobile payment almost ten years ago. With one important difference: mobile…