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#492: Fintech News im August: Spannende Entwicklungen und neue Trends

In dieser Podcast-Episode sprechen Jochen und Kilian über die jüngsten Trends, darunter den neuen Vorstoß von N26, spannende Kooperationen im Bereich B2B-Finanzdienstleistungen und die regulatorischen Herausforderungen, denen Start-ups gegenüberstehen….

We are experiencing an unprecedented global shift in demographics. Our society is aging; we are living longer, healthier, and more productive lives. Life expectancy has improved significantly, and we have...
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28. May 2019
The journey from unbundling to rebundling and back has been a formidable one. Emerging technologies and the pace of innovation are driving changes throughout the banking industry at an unprecedented...
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21. May 2019
On the revolution of the urban mobility industry Introduction The world population is growing steadily and around 60% of all people are going to live in urban areas by 2030....
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25. April 2019