Four years ago, in summer 2015, the idea for the Payment Exchange laid the foundation for many other events. With the Payment Exchange we wanted to create an event that actively involves the audience and allows an exchange at eye level.  That is “Exchange” and that is still today the basic idea and our cred.  Payment Exchange was followed by Banking Exchange, another format, Payment Exchange for the payment transactions and Banking Exchange for the banking industry.  However, all our events are “invite only” events and we have learned that the need for an open event is enormous.  That’s why, in addition to the Exchange events, we have created another format: The Transactions 19.

On November 19th, 2019, we will launch the Transactions 19, a completely new conference format. We will be presenting national and international leaders of the Payment & Banking industry, but also the hidden champions of the scene. The new format will take place in the old steel construction in Frankfurt, one of the most impressive locations in Offenbach / Frankfurt:

Transactions 19: ein Payment & Banking Event / Transaction 19: A Payment & Banking event

At the Transactions 19, forward looking trends of the payment and banking industry will be discussed for one day, but insights will also be given into current developments and concepts in the industry. The focus will not only be on the people that are on the stage: But also, the guests will be given the opportunity to exchange ideas with each other and with experts and initiators of the industry.

Is digitization a great opportunity or a great risk for our society? Can its much vaunted “disruption potential” contribute to making tomorrow’s world a better place? We probably cannot answer this question. But with the Transactions 19 we can look at certain processes that drive our industry, deliver a status quo together with our speakers and give an outlook.

Transactions 19: ein Payment & Banking Event / Transaction 19: A Payment & Banking event

Successful digitalization requires speed, strength of implementation and real digital know-how. Digitalization offers great advantages to companies and digital transactions have become a key strategy for banks, at least for those who want to remain competitive. Now is the time to ask: what kind of digitization do we actually want?

This question cannot be answered by engineers or technicians, it must be discussed in the society. And politics must contribute to a fair, sustainable development through wise regulation.

The established banks are struggling with digitization and are not characterized by innovation. Can banks be redesigned for their own innovations or do they need outside help? Does it need “unbundling or rebuilding”? And what role does platform ecology play in this?

After years of the “coming breakthrough”, the question now arises whether mobile payment was just a drop in the ocean and “the next hot shit” is yet to come? Companies, innovators and experts are discussing in which direction payment traffic is developing in Europe and around the world or whether we have already reached the end of the road.

In short, one day we will ask ourselves the question: What do digitalization and digital transactions and processes mean for our industry?

We offer space for 600 guests from the entire industry and beyond. The Transactions 19 is the event that connects everyone, no matter the title on the business card. Even more: The Transactions 19 not only offers traditional market participants or start-ups new insights into technological trends or the hot innovation topics of the industry, but also deliberately addresses participants from outside the industry who are dealing with the payment & banking industry for the first time.

Amon others, the most important speakers are:

  • Dr. Danyal Bayaz – Bündnis 90 / Die Grüne
  • Marco Börries – enfore
  • Christoph Bornschein, TLGG
  • Sascha Dewald – DKB 
  • Prof. Dr. Gunter Dueck
  • Christian von Hammel Bonten – Paydirekt
  • Dr. Michael Luhnen – PayPal
  • Stephan Schubert – STS Ventures
  • Sibylle Strack – Kontist 
  • Sascha Lobo
  • and many more

Another highlight of the Transactions 19 is the presentation of the Fintech of the Year 2019 Award. For the sixth time we will award our popular industry prize “Fintech of the Year”. The “Fintech of the Year” is the first German FinTech Award, which is awarded exclusively and cannot be purchased through sponsoring or participation fees. Since 2014, the award has been presented to the interesting and relevant German FinTech/Start-Ups by an independent jury.

“Another highlight of the Transactions 19 is the presentation of the Fintech of the Year 2019 Award.”

The exchange will be an elementary component of the Transactions 19, as with all of our events. Guests and participants will have many networking opportunities while experiencing some of the most interesting speakers live.

Here you can find details:

You can get tickets HERE!