Gastautor Maximilian Fuchs

  • German retailers feel the pressure of inflation while card costs rise

    German retailers feel the pressure of inflation while card costs rise

    After months of dizzying consumer price increases, inflation in Germany reached 8.2% in June.[1] The market is caught between the ongoing energy crisis and widespread supply chain disruption, with economic growth forecasts cut from 3.1% to 2.5%.[2] But while German retailers’ margins are being squeezed in all directions, is the same true for their payment…

  • Are local map systems in Europe under threat?

    Are local map systems in Europe under threat?

    A guest contribution by Maximilian Fuchs For many German merchants, the girocard as a low-cost, domestically accepted debit card system was and is a lifeline in the face of rising card acceptance costs. However, recent reports suggest that it is under increasing threat from mono-badge card issuing. With some of Europe’s national card schemes in…

  • Payment & Brexit – What additional costs will German and European merchants face?

    Payment & Brexit – What additional costs will German and European merchants face?

    The UK is one of the most important e-commerce markets for the EU. In 2019, the UK accounted for 34% of online sales in Western Europe. Now, as a consequence of Brexit, Mastercard wants to classify the UK as “inter-regional” from October 2021, which will result in interchange fees for “card not present” (CNP) transactions…

  • 5 Jahre MIF-Regulierung: Welche Vorteile sind für Händler europaweit noch übrig?

    5 Jahre MIF-Regulierung: Welche Vorteile sind für Händler europaweit noch übrig?

    Vor ziemlich genau fünf Jahren beschloss die Europäische Kommission, die multilateralen Interbankenentgelte für Debit- und Kreditkartentransaktionen europaweit auf 0,2 % bzw. 0,3 % zu regulieren. Heute stellt die globale, unabhängige Payment-Beratung CMSPI fest, dass ein Großteil der Einsparungen in einem “Hau-den-Maulwurf-Spiel” mit anderen Gebühren erodiert wurde und weitere Regulierung notwendig ist. MIF-Regulierung in 2015 Die…