Ask me anything #19 – mit Stephan Heller von FinCompare
Als Payment & Banking das neue Interviewformat startete, war es zunächst das Team, das neue Gäste für das nächste „Ask me anything“ vorschlug. Nun aber hat sich das Format etabliert, sodass Vorschläge mittlerweile auch aus der Community kommen. „Wäre nicht der oder die interessant?“ oder „Soundso habe ich schon so oft auf der Bühne gesehen,…
“Best to be afraid of us.” The future of Personal Finance Management
A video interview with Benjamin Michel (finance guru) at the Banking Exchange 2020 For the first time in the event history of Payment & Banking, the Banking Exchange, which was otherwise designed as an “invite only” event, took place in a stream accessible to all. Our goal was to live what other events only preach:…
Joonko and his credit plans
A few days ago, we had it at Newsletter already reported. Under the headline “Joonko now also arranges consumer loans”, it was announced that the financial portal Joonko now also offers consumer loans. Joonko wants to offer customers a fast, fully digital consumer loan agreement without lock-in offers with guaranteed interest rates. Identification is carried…
Fintech Revolution Decentralized Finance? Bitkom under discussion
Sometimes it takes time for innovations (not only among nerds!) to gain momentum and advance topics. This could also soon be the case with Decentralized Financing (DeDi for short). Exactly five years ago yesterday – Happy Birthday! – a new crypto currency saw the light of day with Etherum. The goal of the team around…
Newsschau im Juli – Das Wichtigste zum Schluss
Unser Monatsrückblick im Juli In der Fintech-Welt wird es nie langweilig. Es wird gegründet, investiert und neue Produkte werden auf den Markt gebracht. Da fällt es manchmal schwer, den Überblick zu behalten. Wir übernehmen das und fassen die wichtigsten Meldungen des zurückliegenden Monats in einem kompakten Überblick zusammen. Hier also unsere Newsschau für den Juli. Aldi kehrt…
Consolidation in the banking sector by Covid-19
A video interview with Max Flötotto (Mckinsey & Company) at the Banking Exchange 2020 For the first time in the event history of Payment & Banking, the Banking Exchange, which was otherwise designed as an “invite only” event, took place in a stream accessible to all. Our goal was to live what other events only…
Germany as an attractive market: More and more foreign companies court for customers
More and more foreign Fintechs, challenger banks and providers for SMEs are active in Germany or are announcing their imminent launch. This was to be expected, because in their home markets they have in many cases (also with the help of investor funds) meanwhile reached a size that makes it interesting for them to now…
What is… finstreet actually doing?
As the Payment & Banking team we try to keep a continuous overview of the industry and report on small and large Fintechs and InsurTechs, on established banks as well as neo-banks, on digital strategies, on major investments of national and international financiers, report about exits and provide analyses on current topics. Some companies appear…
“Many people are unaware of the benefits of crypto-currency”
The crypto currency is undoubtedly the biggest phenomenon that has hit the financial sector since the Internet. It is not simply a new type of investment, but a completely new asset class. The last time the world has seen an entirely new asset class was over 300 years ago, when the Bank of England issued…
What is… fino actually doing?
As the Payment and Banking team we try to keep a continuous overview of the industry and report on small and large Fintechs and Insurtechs, on established banks as well as neo-banks, on digital strategies, on major investments of national and international financiers, write about exits and provide analyses on current topics. Some companies appear…
“The core of a transformation is the willingness to rethink.”
Almost unnoticed, the Estonian Fintech Modularbank opened its office in Berlin at the beginning of this year. The company is managed by Vilve Vene. She has been working in the industry for 25 years and developed financial technology long before Fintech became a household name. For example, she led the IT department of the Baltic…
Diese Corona-Hilfsmaßnahmen für Start-ups laufen schon – UPDATE
Nicht nur Mediziner sprechen angesichts der Corona-Pandemie von einer „historischen Zeit“, auch die Wirtschaft steht vor Herausforderungen von bislang unbekanntem Ausmaß. Es wird die traditionelle Wirtschaft ebenso treffen, wie Digitalunternehmen und auch die Fintechs. Die aktuelle Lage kann bei vielen großen und kleinen und Start-up – Unternehmen bereits kurzfristig zu massiven Geldnöten führen. Das Bundeswirtschaftsministerium…
“We make the digital fingerprint irrecognizable”
The name David Chaum might not mean much to the ordinary mortal, but Blockchain followers know exactly who is being meant. Chaum is a mastermind and one of the prime fathers of technology. Under the title “Computer Systems Established, Maintained, and Trusted by Mutually Suspicious Groups” he wrote his dissertation in 1982. With E-Cash he…