We’ll be hearing a lot more from these industry players in 2021 – Part 1
The new year is still young and many weeks full of surprises lie ahead. And while we’re not the Oracle of Delphi, there are a number of companies and fintechs that we’ll be taking a special look at (among many other companies, of course) in the coming months. The reasons for this are manifold, as…
Is the ECB becoming a “green angel” ?
Currently, the central bank is doing its best to counteract the economic consequences of the Corona crisis. But is this perhaps only the prelude to a much greater effort that still lies ahead of us all globally? Climate change is threatening our planet and the effects are already visible: no one will be spared from…
5 Jahre MIF-Regulierung: Welche Vorteile sind für Händler europaweit noch übrig?
Vor ziemlich genau fünf Jahren beschloss die Europäische Kommission, die multilateralen Interbankenentgelte für Debit- und Kreditkartentransaktionen europaweit auf 0,2 % bzw. 0,3 % zu regulieren. Heute stellt die globale, unabhängige Payment-Beratung CMSPI fest, dass ein Großteil der Einsparungen in einem “Hau-den-Maulwurf-Spiel” mit anderen Gebühren erodiert wurde und weitere Regulierung notwendig ist. MIF-Regulierung in 2015 Die…
The faces of the industry: Katja Hunstock
May we introduce Katja Hunstock of . finleap connect Working in the FinTech industry is like coming and going, requires a high degree of professionalism in a thoroughly relaxed working environment and is above all characterised by innovation as well as good, clever and future-oriented ideas, according to the widespread consensus. But who are actually…
GAFAT – Why are we ignoring Telegram?
Just a few years ago, Telegram was considered a harmless messenger in Germany. Many used the app as an alternative to WhatsApp. Especially the high anonymity and data security convinced many users. Internationally, the app even had the reputation of a protest app. Via Telegram, opposition members in countries with authoritarian regimes organized themselves worldwide;…
Im Jahr des Bullen: Das sind die fünf Blockchaintrends in 2021
Ein Gastbeitrag von Patrick Hansen 2020 war viel los und viele sind vermutlich erleichtert, das Jahr endlich hinter sich gelassen zu haben. Obwohl mit neuen Regulierungen in Deutschland und der EU, über spannende neue Blockchain Projekte im Finanzsektor und der Industrie, bis hin zum neuen Bitcoin Allzeithoch im Dezember einiges dabei war, richtet sich der…
Exklusiv: Französischer Finanzdienstleister iBanFirst startet in Deutschland
Der französische Finanzdienstleister iBanFirst eröffnet in München seine erste Dependance in Deutschland. Die Zeichen stehen auf Expansion.
Digital cash register receipt as data platform
The year 2020 as the Year of the receipt To call it a global pandemic would not be an accurate description. Nevertheless, the topic has developed relatively quickly in Germany. After the legal requirement and obligation to issue receipts came into force in January 2020, small retailers or bakers were more likely to be seen…
Which GAFA has the most Yahoo potential?
In the last few years, it seems that even the last person to speak… GAFA and certainly knows what is meant by it. In the meantime, every single GAFA company is expected to do almost anything when it comes to expanding its own business fields at the expense of established players. Whether it’s banking and…
Corona and the financial industry – a review and outlook
2021 is still young and we are taking advantage of this for a detailed look back and forward. Because nothing has changed the world and our industry as much as the Corona pandemic. Corona set new challenges – without postponing digitization Financial institutions around the world have had to provide emergency relief in the form…
Company in the FinTech sector: kompany AG
The industry has become big and has long since grown out of its infancy. There are so many companies shaping the industry but not all are equally well known. Who are the companies that form the glue between finance and digital technologies? In our series “The companies of the FinTech industry” we give companies or…
Was macht eigentlich…baningo?
Als Team von Payment & Banking versuchen wir, einen kontinuierlichen Überblick über die Branche zu behalten und berichten über kleine wie große Fintechs und Insurtechs, über etablierten Banken ebenso wie über Neo-Banken, über digitale Strategien, über große Investitionen nationaler und internationaler Geldgeber, schreiben über Exits und liefern Analysen zu aktuellen Themen. Manche Unternehmen erscheinen dabei…
Merry Christmas! Christmas with Payment & Banking
What kind of a crazy… – Yeah, I know! Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, how green are your leaves! Despite the Covid 19 pandemic, the Christmas season is something traditional and also really nice. The girocard of all celebrations, so to speak. And even at Payment & Banking, Christmas is celebrated in one way…