
  • Introducing 5 new fintechs we don’t know yet

    Introducing 5 new fintechs we don’t know yet

    Everything already there, everything already seen? Not true. What else is there to come? A lot! From now on, we will prove in our loose episodes on new fintechs on the market that Germany is still a place of founders who still come up with something new in the finance, payment and banking industry. We’re…

  • Digital bancassurance cooperations on the advance

    Digital bancassurance cooperations on the advance

    High-volume distribution channel – bancassurance, i.e. the combination of banking and insurance, has existed since the 1970s. The primary objective of bancassurance partnerships between banks and insurance companies is to exploit cross-selling potential. Although bancassurance has so far been limited to the offline sale of insurance policies in bank branches, it already has a worldwide…