Finally. First part of Transactions 20 starts

Transactions 20

When we started the Transactions for the first time last year, we were overwhelmed by the positive feedback from all those who were there, discussed and celebrated with us. The old steel construction in Offenbach was well filled and it was clear that we would do it again and the planning of Transactions 20 began immediately after the after-show party of Transactions 19 This year we didn’t want to just put a shovel to the Transactions 20, but to do many things differently again. As far as our line-up is concerned, we took it a step further: Verena Pausder, Sascha Lobo, Dan McCrum, Aya Jaff, Edward Snowdern and many more we bring on stage. But when we said to ourselves last year that we wanted to do a few things differently, we certainly didn’t mean what came to us in several waves this year. The Covid19 pandemic, like many other industries, has hit us hard.

Covid19-year 2020 – tightened conditions for our events

This year everything was different and we have already started with banking exchange in July of this year proved that we can also implement our events “digitally” and have brought out the much demanded potential from digitalisation. Nevertheless, we were full of hope in the summer, with the appropriate hygiene concept to Transactions 20 to be able to carry out with some restrictions also as a presence event. Unfortunately, the development of the pandemic has shown us the opposite. It would of course have been possible TRX20 simply cancel or completely remotely, but the events also live from personal exchange. It is difficult to map this exchange digitally. So, we all seem to be a bit “remotely tired”. To live in video conferences all the time is not real life. That’s why we decided on a more expensive, financially more challenging, more complex but for the community, better solution;

Our first digital conference: The Banking Exchange 20

During these days events are simply cancelled or postponed, we simply do two events. We split the Transactions 20 in two parts. Part 1 is already taking place today, on 11/19/20 at 5:00 p.m. Who likes can still get a ticket quickly: This ticket is not only valid today, but also for the stream of the second part on 25.02.21. Then we start the transactions 20½ – hopefully as hybrid eventboth online in the stream, as well as a presence event on site;

The first part of the transactions with Verena Pausder, Sascha Lobo and Dan McCrum

Today from 5 pm the founder and author Verena Pausderthe digital expert and author Sasha Lobo and Dan McCrumthe man who brought down Wirecard. While Markus Braun, former CEO of Wirecard, has to testify in the investigative committee, we talk to Dan McCrum about the background of the Wirecard scandal. The first part of the Transactions series is our greeting to you at home.

Up to this point it was not easy, because home schooling, child care and Nicole’s broken ankle including surgery did not make the work on the TRX20 any easier

We hope that already the first part of the TRX20 …to be felled. Up to here it was not easy, because home schooling, child care and Nicole’s broken ankle including surgery, did not make the work on the TRX20 any easier and still we made it and up to here we are happy and also a bit proud. Be there and at least celebrate this crazy Corona year with us;

Stay healthy,

Maik & Nicole


  • Nicole Nitsche ist studierte Theaterwissenschaftlerin und hat mehrere Jahre als Regieassistentin beim Thalia Theater Hamburg gearbeitet. Danach war Nicole Leiterin der Presse-und Marketingabteilung eines Hamburger Musiklabels. Als klassische Quereinsteigerin hat sie die komplette Kommunikation sowie den Aufbau der Redaktion bei Payment & Banking geleitet und verantwortet. Nicole ist seit August 2021 Geschäftsführerin von Payment & Banking und ist verantwortlich für die Bereiche Struktur, Planung, Umsetzung und Konzipierung von allen Events (z.B PEX, BEX, TRX & CryptX).

  • Maik Klotz ist Berater, Sprecher und Autor zu den Themen Banking, Payment, Digital Identity, E-Commerce und Retail mit starkem Fokus auf “mobile”. Seit vielen Jahren berät Maik Unternehmen zu kundenzentrierten Innovationsmethoden und der Fokussierung auf den Nutzer. Er wurde von der Süddeutschen Zeitung in der Serie „Impulsgeber“ der Branche portraitiert und moderiert und spricht auf vielen Branchen-Events. Maik ist Imker.Maik ist Co-Founder von Payment & Banking und ist im Team mitverantwortlich für Marketing, Strategie und Events, insbesondere der