The European super app will soon shape lives
A guest contribution by Björn Goß AliPay, PayPal, Google Wallet or Square – The race for the banking super app in Europe and why a European super app is only a matter of time We’ve known for a long time that the financial world is headed for massive change. 2020 was therefore only an acceleration…
Applekalypse! The supposed end of multi-banking apps
For a brief moment, the world stood still and multi-banking apps faced extinction. The reason for this was Apple’s release of the new App Store guidelines and the changes that came with it. Nothing less than the demise of all multibanking apps was up for discussion. The end of Outbank, finanzblick, Finanzguru and Co seemed…
Samsung Pay with backdoor: a storm in a teacup
Although mobile payment in Germany, not least because of the covid 19 pandemicSince the Internet has picked up speed and every consumer can now pay with their smartphone, the obligatory scandal should not be missing, if it were one.These days, negative reports are piling up around Korean tech company Samsung’s relatively new payment method “Samsung…
From Saul to Paul? China’s green financial industry
For Franziska Schmid economy and ecology are no contradiction. On the contrary: in the future it can only work together! In her monthly column “Let’s think! Green! monthly column, she comments on sustainable developments in the banking and payment sector and calls for more willingness to implement them! China likes to paint itself green, which…