Unternehmen der FinTech Branche: Mambu GmbH

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Die Branche ist groß geworden und längst aus den Kinderschuhen heraus gewachsen. Es gibt so viele Unternehmen welche die Branche prägen aber nicht alle sind gleichermaßen bekannt. Wer sind eigentlich die Unternehmen, die den Klebstoff zwischen Finanzen und digitalen Technologien bilden? In unserer Reihe „Die Unternehmen der FinTech Branche“ geben wir Unternehmen oder Startups aus der Payment- und Banking-Industrie die Gelegenheit sich selber vorzustellen.

Mambu GmbH

Mambu is the leading SaaS banking engine powering innovative lending and deposits. It is the lean alternative to cumbersome core banking systems, a cloud-native solution driving open API-enabled architectures. Mambu helps clients to successfully start up new business ventures, transform existing operations, launch new products and expand into new markets. The company provides financial institutions of all sizes with the agility to rapidly design, launch, service and scale their banking and lending portfolio.

Mambu’s technology is designed to be the driving force behind a cloud-based digital banking or lending business. Our solution manages the full product life cycle, from design to customer data and transactions. When integrated into a service-driven architecture, via our open API and Apps, our clients can focus on what drives value into their business. Our cloud infrastructure ensures they are easily able to bring any product to any market, scale rapidly and grow cost-effectively. Our clients are the financial institutions of the future, leveraging our platform, expert resources and constant product innovation to stay ahead in the race to stay ahead of the competitions and exceed ever evolving consumer demands.

Mambu ist eines der nominierten Unternehmen des „Fintech des Jahres 2018“

Zahlen und Fakten über Mambu

  • Vertriebskanal:
  • Zielgruppe: Privat- und Firmenkunden
  • Zielland: Welt
  • Status der Finanzierung: Sonstige
  • Weitere Finanzierungen vorgesehen?:
  • Name des / der Produkte: The SaaS Banking Engine

„Mambu is helping financial institutions to rapidly deliver business value in a constantly changing market.“

Das Business Modell von Mambu

Our clients need a faster, simpler, more modern and cost-effective alternative to legacy core banking or bespoke systems to: launch new products, expand into new markets, transform existing operations and start up new ventures.

A modern and highly flexible product factory allows the creation and servicing of most types of retail banking and lending propositions: business financing, consumer lending, corporate lending, P2P lending, current accounts, transactional accounts, savings products and many more in over 6000 live configurations.

Mambu: die Gründer & Investoren

Eugene Danilkis, CEO
Frederik Pfisterer, COO
Sofia Nunes, Head of Talent and Culture

Jan 2016 – €8M from Acton Capital Partners,CommerzVentures GmbH
Feb 2019 – €30M from Bessemer Venture Partners

Meilensteine: was Mambu bisher erreicht hat

Our clients range from traditional banks to fintech innovators. We worked with N26 to scale operations to support their exponential 500% growth and expansion to 17 countries. We collaborated with ABN AMRO to launch a fintech, New10, which offers innovative lending products. New10 went from concept to launch in 10 months with the Mambu implementation taking just four months. We helped Georgia’s TBC launch the country’s first fully cloud-based financial institution, Space Bank. The bank was taken from concept to launch in just eight months and for the first time, Georgian customers benefit from a truly end-to-end digital experience.

In 2018 we launched Mambu Process Orchestrator (MPO), an API-driven alternative to traditional business process management systems. This scalable and high performing platform, built around the Mambu core solution, is specifically designed to support the creation and operation of modern banking architectures and is delivered as a service. https://www.mambu.com/mpo

Was macht Mumba so besonders?

We are a cloud-native API-driven core engine – what is special about that? We help financial institutions run like fintechs. This is possible as Mambu is:

Agile – implementation in weeks/months instead of years.
Flexible – change products/features in days, leverage best of breed technology.

Scalable – able to meet growing and changing business needs. Fully digital – API driven architecture, composable, cloud-native solution. One of the first cloud-based core providers to receive AWS accreditation.

Innovative – highly configurable so there is no need to customise, can build a modular environment and integrate external best of breed modules.

Letzte Worte

Mambu’s Marketplace: https://www.mambu.com/marketplace
Mambu’s thought leadership blog Hive: https://www.mambu.com/hive
News, events and press releases: https://www.mambu.com/news-and-events
Client success stories: https://www.mambu.com/clients
Mambu’s Process Orchestrator: https://www.mambu.com/mpo


  • Nicole Nitsche ist studierte Theaterwissenschaftlerin und hat mehrere Jahre als Regieassistentin beim Thalia Theater Hamburg gearbeitet. Danach war Nicole Leiterin der Presse-und Marketingabteilung eines Hamburger Musiklabels. Als klassische Quereinsteigerin hat sie die komplette Kommunikation sowie den Aufbau der Redaktion bei Payment & Banking geleitet und verantwortet. Nicole ist seit August 2021 Geschäftsführerin von Payment & Banking und ist verantwortlich für die Bereiche Struktur, Planung, Umsetzung und Konzipierung von allen Events (z.B PEX, BEX, TRX & CryptX).

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