Money 20/20 Asia expectations

Money 20/20 in Asia

We’re going to Money 20/20 in Asia

Money 20/20, the world’s leading FinTech and payments event, is just 6 weeks away from the launch of it’s APAC edition. The world is not enough – they take it serious.
Money 20/20 in Asia
Quelle: money20/20
  The Money20/20 is the place to be if you are in the FinTech industry and over the last year’s it has become a behemoth of an event – especially the US edition (as they are around 5-6 Years in advance to be fair with the other regions). Over the last few years one could witness how the event gained global relevance and how it grew like a mushroom (and set benchmarks for other events – never had so much marketing buzz from the MPE in Berlin :-)). Due to this exponential growth the event expanded first to Europe and now – finally – to Asia. The asian kick-off event for the Money 20/20 will be this year’s Money20/20 Asia in Singapore, followed by a second edition later this year in Hangzhou, China. So on only Africa and south america are missing – and maybe India :-). Nobody in the FinTech and payment industry will dispute that asia-pacific and especially chinese players are by now a force to reckon with. From a european perspective a lot of people are still focused on GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon) and their potential entry and or disruption on the financial space. But there is a second powerful block that needs our attention – BAT (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent). What better place to get a face to face impression of the latest news and stories from BAT other than Money20/20 Asia. With keynote speakers from Ant Financial and Tencent we hope to gain a few more insights into the plans and current developments of these major players, as well as being most likely humbled and awed by the sheer size and numbers of their respective markets. One of the hot topics will be obviously mobile payments (the chinese approach to them). While the rest of the world (with a few exceptions) is still waiting for the break through, the chinese players are dominating the payment space with their respective solutions.
Money 20/20 in Asia
Quelle: money20/20
Furthermore there will be keynotes from Rakuten, Ping An and DBS that also have been show-casing some very interesting solutions over the last months. Last but not least the Monetary Authority of Singapore – one of the most progressive regulators worldwide – will be presenting and allowing a glimpse into the asian regulatory perspective into the finance and payments space (and for example views into crypto regulation). – let’s see how there version of a sandbox look like We are happy to be part of the Money 20/20 Asia experience and get a download of what is going on in that part of the world and compare that with our unique european point of view – both sides will profit from each other – the truth is not always in the silicon valley. Stay tuned for “live” reporting in the coming weeks from the Payment and Banking team from the Money 20/20 Asia in Singapore.


  • Rafael Otero ist seit mehr als 15 Jahren im Payment- und Banking Bereich tätig. Nach mehreren Co-Founder Rollen im Fintech Bereich u.a. als Co-Founder bei payleven der globalen Kartenakzeptanz-Lösung für KMUs und Co-Founder Voice First – einer Strategie-Beratung / Agentur für Sprachassistenz-Lösungen im Bereich Finanzdienstleistungen, Mobility und VoiceCommerce.

    Seit Anfang 2020 ist er Managing Director bei der Deutschen Bank und dort als Chief Product Officer Teil der Corporate Bank. Rafael ist Business Angel/Board Member im Fintech und DeepTech-Umfeld.

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