- Mobile Payment per Gesichtserkennung: PayPal und Payleven schließen sich zu auf den ersten Blick überraschend, aber wenn man drüber nachdenkt durchaus sinnvoll
- PayPal now lets you link loyalty cards to its iOS app
- Starbucks’ set to add option to place pickup orders on mobile app
- Mobile Banking Customers Are Untapped Sales Opportunity
- Customers Bank upgrades mobile app for P2P money transfer
- The rise of the digital bank | McKinsey & Company
- Where in the World Should Banks Store Their Data?
- Next Banking: Im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung
- Barclays reports Pingit stats
- Finextra: Leeds gets fintech accelerator
- World First launches currency transfer app
- Next Bank Europe bringt Finanzinstitutionen und Fintech Innovatoren zusammen
- Zukunft der Banken: Die Innovationsprojekte der Commerzbank
- BBVA startup contest attracts 850 projects
- Neues Entwicklerteam : Paypal investiert in Berlin
- Mobile wallets: will value actually drive adoption?
- Powa Technologies opens software developer program to ISVs
- How merchants tie loyalty to mobile wallets and drive results
- iTunes-Guthabenkarte bald ausgedient: Apple tastet sich offenbar an eigenen
- Base Wallet: E-Plus startet eigene Mobile Wallet.
- Paypal-App ermöglicht kostenlose Zahlungen an Freunde und Familie in Deutsc
- Why Mobile Wallets Are Failing and Will Keep Failing – Pacific Standard: Th
- Visa Launches PayPal-Like ‘Checkout’ Widget For Third-Party Websites
- Google Wallet gets gift cards, requesting money, sending it from your debit
- Twitter Buys Cardspring To Help You Shop In Tweets
- Mobile payments coming to Snapchat? | Mobile Payments Today
- Exklusiv: LaterPay für alle! WordPress-Plugin für Paid-Content ab sofort ko