„It’s a highly relevant event in the FinTech sector“

Transactions Mark Krymalowski

Welcome to the Transactions 2020 – the event at which the most important heads of the Digitization-, Payment– and Banking-industry.

This is a series of interviews with this year’s Transactions 2020 speakers – Today, Mark Krymalowski will answer our questions. Mark a Leadership Advisor in Egon Zehnder’s Berlin office.

In the industry, it has long been no secret that the Payment & Banking organised event Transactions goes into the second round on November 19! After the big Success of the past year this year again we are pitching the tents in Offenbach near Frankfurt/Main.

At the event the most important heads of the digitization, payment– and Banking-industry. Besides the many great participants, an event is only as good as its speakers on stage. The Transactions is one of the few interdisciplinary conferences in the DACH region that offers a stage for lateral thinkers from various industries on the subject of “digital structural change”. We are once again looking forward to national and international stars from the digital business who will give an outlook on the most important trends in the industry.

Who are these great minds #TRX20, you can read about this in the next weeks in our interview series.

This year’s participants include Mark Krymalowski who introduces himself in this interview. At Transactions he gives a keynote: Embracing the future with human answers.

We are delighted that you’ve accepted our invitation to speak at Transactions 20 in November. Please briefly introduce yourself.

My name is Mark Krymalowski and I’m a Leadership Advisor in Egon Zehnder’s Berlin office. We support clients with their executive search and provide comprehensive leadership solutions. I lead the digital segment of Egon Zehnder’s Technology and Communications Practice in the EMEA region.

Transactions Mark Krymalowski

How long have you been dealing with your panel’s topic and why are you enthusiastic about it?

I’ve been dealing with digital transformation and leadership in digital environments for about eight years. Working with start-ups as well as established companies, I’m particularly enthusiastic about the area of digital strategy and transformation, which goes hand in hand with changes in management requirements and expectations.

As a speaker, what are your expectations of the upcoming TRX?

I look forward to exchanging views, and learning from the other speakers, as well as from the participants.

This will be the second TRX. What relevance does the event hold for you and for the industry?

It’s a highly relevant event in the FinTech sector.

Due to the corona situation, for the first time this year’s TRX will take place in a hybrid format. What experience have you had so far with such digital event formats?

I’ve only had positive experiences so far. The challenge is to be inclusive for both on-site and virtual participants. I’m excited about TRX’s approach. 

„The challenge is to be inclusive for both on-site and virtual participants.“

TRX takes place in Offenbach. Why should FinTech be an important issue outside of the big hubs?

Because it concerns us all, everywhere.

Looking back over the past year, what has changed massively within your particular field of influence? What has been positive, what negative?

Corona has led to digital elements being introduced across the working world. That’s good, and now it’s important to maintain and further develop those positive, new experiences.


  • Die studierte Soziologin und Medienwissenschaftlerin beobachtet, analysiert und schreibt als Journalistin seit vielen Jahren über die Startup- und Fintechszene. In der Vergangenheit arbeitete sie für führende on- und offline Gründer- und Wirtschaftsmedien im In- und Ausland, moderiert und schrieb mit Kollegen ein Buch über Unternehmen im Ruhrgebiet. Seit 2019 arbeitet sie für Payment & Banking, seit 2020 ist sie festes Redaktionsmitglied und ist in dieser Position verantwortlich für alle Themen Content, Planung und Entwicklung neuer Medienformate. In ihrer Zeit bei Payment & Banking ist sie zudem eine eifrige Podcasterin geworden.

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