Payment and mobility
A guest contribution from Inga Glotzbach and Steffen Blümm from adorsys Mobile computing and the high availability of the Internet are changing our expectations when consuming and paying for products and services. The ability to access information and make purchases from anywhere allows us to manage our time more flexibly. The Corona crisis in recent…
Zukunft im Payment: Bitcoin als Währung des Internets
Am großen Payment-Markt nehmen Kryptowährungen bislang noch einen vermeintlich kleinen Anteil ein, welcher sich im Wesentlichen auf den Online-Bereich beschränkt. Mit Bitcoin befindet sich jedoch bereits eine internationale Währung auf dem Vormarsch, um als blockchainbasierten Kryptowährung den Point-of-Sale im Einzelhandel sowie im E-Commerce zu erobern. Als Zahlungsmittel erfunden, war es lange Zeit die Blockchain selbst,…
Cash in Corona times – the social significance
At the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic, society was concerned that the coronavirus could be transmitted by cash. The WHO reacted immediately and put this statement into perspective. The likelihood of transmission through banknotes is very low compared to other surfaces frequently touched in retail outlets, such as PIN pads. Nevertheless, especially in the…
Talk is silver – making is gold! A reflection on the rush jobs after Paydirekt & Co
A column by Marcus W. Mosen Some know better and better, others have always known better, and only the very few know what they are writing about – and knowing nothing obviously makes nothing. This is the motto of numerous comments in the last days and weeks in our banking and payment bubble on the…
Cashless payment transactions put to the test in Germany and Europe
An article by Marcus W. Mosen The banks in Europe and Germany are certainly not bored at the moment. And with the corona virus, a new challenge is now being added: many projects that until recently were considered of the highest strategic importance could now lose importance thanks to corona. Just a few weeks ago,…