Faulty processes during check out are also at the expense of the credit card providers
The online shopping cart is full and yet the purchase does not take place at the end of a long process. Trade loses a lot of money every year by the abruption of the check-out process. But what is the reason why the customer does not buy anything in the end? The fact that they…
A “clear conscience” DAX for more sustainability at Deutsche Börse
Last week Deutsche Börse launched the Dax 50 ESG. It is intended to accelerate the transformation process towards a sustainable financial industry. Demand for sustainable investments is also increasing. Criticism comes from environmentalists. Thanks to the activist Greta Thunberg, due to the problems of rising sea levels, a winter that was no longer a winter,…
“New technologies and digital innovations will also require further development of our policies in the future.”
Credit platforms give out loans that are directly financed by private or regular investors. In this way, they provide access to finance for consumers and businesses, open up a new asset class for investors and contribute to the financial inclusion. Now that the four largest credit platforms in Germany, auxmoney, creditshelf, Funding Circle and Kapilendo,…
Security Token Offerings (STOs)
The next “hot shit“ in the Fintech sky and why it is not worth for everyone After the Inicial Coin Offering (short: ICO) now comes the Security Token Offering (short: STO). On Monday this week, the release of the first German Security Token Offering (STO) authorized by BaFin started. With BaFin’s permission for digital trading,…